7 Dream Characteristics in Woman That Man Appreciates

7 Dream Characteristics in Woman That Man Appreciates

A girl’s good looks are huge assets that draw immediate attention of men. However, the sheer looks are not enough for a man to fall in love. Men look for some unique characteristics in women to build longer and happier relationships.

Here are 7 characteristics they look for in their prospective mates.

1. Smiling Lady

A genuine smile of a woman carries a fatal attraction. Happy people make a better impact on people around them. A pensive expression of a lady is not conducive for the things to move ahead.
Happiness is a relative term that depends on many things in a person such as power to smile in any situation, caring soul, and internal strength to forgive others. This package of traits can only make her a happy person.

2. Respectful

Respect is a mutual phenomenon which lays the base for a healthy relationship. A man, who is looking for a prospective life partner with the right qualities, should certainly look for this essential trait. The respect is easy to identify in a relationship. When a man makes a point, woman should be attentive and respectful to the spoken words.
Respect is a two way street and makes and breaks a relationship. There could be some difference of opinions but the reactions should be discreet to keep things going smoothly.

3. Supportive

A relationship stands with the support of each other. The support should be for the dreams, goals, and ambitions. The moral support of the partners for each other is the essence of a stronger relationship. This trait is what a man looks for in the woman in dating.
Every person has its own set of insecurities that could be emotional, financial, or social. Everyone needs some kind of support and for a man to have a woman’s support is a dream association.

4. Friendly Partner

A girlfriend or a wife necessarily doesn’t mean a unique status, but living with a friendly attitude makes couple’s life cool. A man always looks for a woman who is friendly, as friends are forever. Initial physical attraction is natural but it has a shorter shelf life, as priority switches over to the other factors of life. A friendly partner is a boon that every man desires in the shape of a shapely woman.

5. Keen Listener

A man looks for a woman who ‘really’ listens to him not just hears and forgets. Active listening is what a man desires in a longer relationship with a woman. The woman, man feels, should not only hear to his concerns but should absorb what he says. Right woman would listen and respond constructively with her own views.

6. Femininity

Most men look for a woman who is feminine in looks and behavior. Her looks should be spontaneous and natural without layers of makeup. Men love to be addressed as men and a woman only could give him that feeling. When a man is told to lift a heavy box or do some tough job by his woman, he feels secure and pleased with the trust in his masculinity.

7. Thoughtful Approach

When a woman loves his man, she should not keep that feeling in her mind and action only, but should say it in words too. Not only your expressive words, but your every action should speak aloud. When you cook for him his favorite meal, or offer subtle advice on clothes, or even offer small gifts from time to time. This will project your thoughtful image that your man would love to appreciate.

All these traits make a world of difference to your relationship.

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